68 research outputs found

    A novel panel of mouse models to evaluate the role of human pregnane X receptor and constitutive androstane receptor in drug response

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    The pregnane X receptor (PXR) and the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) are closely related orphan nuclear hormone receptors that play a critical role as xenobiotic sensors in mammals. Both receptors regulate the expression of genes involved in the biotransformation of chemicals in a ligand-dependent manner. As the ligand specificity of PXR and CAR have diverged between species, the prediction of in vivo PXR and CAR interactions with a drug are difficult to extrapolate from animals to humans. We report the development of what we believe are novel PXR- and CAR-humanized mice, generated using a knockin strategy, and Pxr- and Car-KO mice as well as a panel of mice including all possible combinations of these genetic alterations. The expression of human CAR and PXR was in the predicted tissues at physiological levels, and splice variants of both human receptors were expressed. The panel of mice will allow the dissection of the crosstalk between PXR and CAR in the response to different drugs. To demonstrate the utility of this panel of mice, we used the mice to show that the in vivo induction of Cyp3a11 and Cyp2b10 by phenobarbital was only mediated by CAR, although this compound is described as a PXR and CAR activator in vitro. This panel of mouse models is a useful tool to evaluate the roles of CAR and PXR in drug bioavailability, toxicity, and efficacy in humans

    Geology-structural position and specialization of granitoid the Amalat plateau

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    Представлены результаты изучения геолого-структурной позиции и специализации гранитоидов Амалатского плато. Определен минеральный и элементный состава гранитоидов фундамента. Установлено, что гранитоиды фундамента представлены лейкократовыми биотитовыми гранитами субщелочного ряда, определены основные породообразующие минералы, акцессорная минерализация (апатит, циркон, сфен, магнетит, монацит, ксенотим) и минералы носители урана. Установлена высокая радиоактивность гранитоидов фундамента торий-урановой и урановой природы. The results of the studying of Geology-structural position and specialization of granitoid the Amalat table land. The mineral and element structure of granitoids' base was stated. It has been stated that granitoids in basement consist of leucocratic biotite granite of subalkaline row. The major rock-forming, accessory (apatite, zircon, sphen, magnetite, monazite, xenotime),and uranium-bearing minerals have been determined. High radioactivity of basement granitoids of thorium-uranium and uranium origin was stated

    Parasitism of the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei on chickpea

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    Pratylenchus thornei-chickpea interactions were investigated under controlled and fluctuating environmental conditions in the growth chamber, greenhouse and shadehouse. Under controlled conditions. P. thornei infected chickpea hnes 12071/10054 and P2245 and cultivars Andoum 1, JG62 and UC 27. Line P 2245 and cv. JG 62 were the most susceptible genotypes on the basis of root damage and nematode reproduction, but nematode infection did not significantly reduce root and shoot weights. Cultivars Andoum 1 and UC27 and line 12071/10054 showed the least root damage and nematode reproduction. Inoculation of cv. Andoum 1 with 2500, 5000 or lOOOO nematodes per plant in pots did not affect shoot weight, regardless ofthe conditions of water stress ofthe plants. However, root weight was significantly reduced by nematode infection in plants grown under water stress and fluctuating temperature conditions in the greenhouse, but was not affected by any other treatment. The nematode reproduction index was not affected by soil water content under shadehouse conditions, but was greater on plants watered to soil water-holding capacity than in water-stressed plants under greenhouse conditions. For both environments, the nematode reproduction index decreased when inoculum density was greater than 5000 nematodes per plant.This research was supported by grant AGF92- 0910-CO2-01 from Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Technologia (CICYT), We thank H, M, Halila, INRA, Tunisia for providing us with seeds of cultivar Andoum 1, and F, Orgaz, Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible, CSIC, Spain for measuring water potential.Peer reviewe

    Experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of water mist automated fire extinguishing systems for oil transportation

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    Experimental investigation of regularities of carryover of water mist droplets (radius of 50 - 500 [mu]m) by high temperature (500 - 1800 K) products of combustion of typical petroleum products (oil, gasoline, kerosene, etc.) was carried out. The panoramic optical methods and high-speed hardware and software systems were used. Speeds of droplets after mixing with oncoming high temperature gases were determined. Conditions of continuation of droplets movement through combustion products with preservation of initial trajectory in spite of intensive evaporation and braking were found. The predictive evaluation of effectiveness of water mist use for extinguishing of fires involving oil and typical petroleum products

    Vpliv naravnih protimikrobnih snovi na bakterijsko hidrofobnost, adhezijo in zeta potencial

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    Interactions between bacterial cells and contact materials play an important role in food safety and technology. As bacterial strains become ever more resistant to antibiotics, the aim of this study was to analyse adhesion of selected foodborne bacterial strains on polystyrene surface and to evaluate the effects of natural antimicrobials on bacterial cell hydrophobicity, adhesion, and zeta potential as strategies of adhesion prevention. The results showed strain-specific adhesion rate on polystyrene. The lowest and the highest adhesion were found for two B. cereus lines. Natural antimicrobials ferulic and rosmarinic acid substantially decreased adhesion, whereas the effect of epigallocatechin gallate was neglectful. Similar results were found for the zeta potential, indicating that natural antimicrobials reduce bacterial adhesion. Targeting bacterial adhesion using natural extracts we can eliminate potential infection at an early stage. Future experimental studies should focus on situations that are as close to industrial conditions as possible.Interakcije med bakterijskimi celicami in površinami delovnih materialov imajo pomembno vlogo v živilski tehnologiji pri zagotavljanju varnih živil. Poznano je, da različni bakterijski sevi postajajo bolj in bolj odporni proti antibiotikom in drugim biocidom. Zato je bil namen naših raziskav analizirati adhezijo izbranih patogenih bakterij, ki se prenašajo z živili. Proučevali smo njihov oprijem na polistirensko površino in ovrednotili vpliv naravnih protimikrobnih snovi na bakterijsko hidrofobnost, adhezijo in zeta potencial, v smislu možnih strategij za preprečevanje adhezije. Rezultati so pokazali, da je adhezija sevno specifična lastnost, saj je bila najmanjša in največja stopnja adhezije določena za različna seva bakterij vrste Bacillus cereus. Naravni protimikrobni snovi, ferulična in rožmarinska kislina, sta zmanjšali stopnjo adhezije na polistiren, medtem ko je bil vpliv epigalokatehin galata zanemarljiv. Podobne rezultate smo dobili pri zeta potencialu, kar nakazuje na možnosti delovanja naravnih snovi kot protiadhezivnih komponent. Uporaba naravnih protimikrobnih snovi lahko prepreči oziroma zmanjša stopnjo adhezije bakterijskih celic in s tem eliminira možnosti kontaminacij ali okužb v začetni fazi. Nadaljnje eksperimentalno delo bo potrebno za ovrednotenje razmer, ki so čim bolj podobne industrijskemu okolju

    Drinnen, Draußen und Dazwischen: Inter_disziplinäre Verortungen feministischer Kunst-geschichte und feministischer Naturwissenschaftsforschung

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    Ebeling S, Zimmermann A. Drinnen, Draußen und Dazwischen: Inter_disziplinäre Verortungen feministischer Kunst-geschichte und feministischer Naturwissenschaftsforschung. In: Onnen C, Rode-Breymann S, eds. Wiederherstellen – Unterbrechen – Verändern? Politiken der (Re-)Produktion. L'AGENda. Vol 3. Leverkusen : Barbara Budrich; 2018: 267-282